Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Well hello there!

You know that moment when you have let 3 years of your life fly by and you suddenly decide to step away from normal social media like facebook (which, btw, was the ultimate killer of this blog) and you sit down ready to spill the incredible last 3 years and all of a sudden you are left sitting there in shock by just how much there is to share? Yeah? Good, then you know exactly how I feel sitting here now, lol.
So, let's start off by saying that chances are, anyone reading this now knows what all I have accomplished myself and as a family in the last 3 years, so we will make a bulletin instead....
1) we moved to our dream homestead in Ellijay in 2016
2) I currently do not foster dogs anymore due to allergy issues with Brian and moving.
3) my kids are now 13 and 10 (and coming up quick on 11 and 14)
4) I am a sub teacher now in my county but that may be changing soon again
5) we have 5 cats now (Blue is somehow still kicking but not for much longer I fear), Peanut, Christopher's cat from hell that is a long haired nightmare beast, Leia, laci's cat who we picked up as a stray in our old back yard and we call the ghost cat bc she only comes out around us, Chilly Will (also known as Will, Chill Will, Chilly William, Williamson, Wilford, Wilfred, Willy, Willsnapper ect ect ect), and Hannibal....the meanest weirdest cat of the bunch, Will's brother.
6) We still have Momma the old pitbull, and currently expecting our new Bloodhound baby, Beauregard in a few weeks.
7) last year we got into civil war reenacting and while we started for Christopher, we have all fallen madly in love with the hobby and we are happily immersed in that.
8) I am still married, Happily, to my best friend in the world.
9) I recently have decided that I am not finding as much comfort and fun on facebook as I did to begin with and looking for that old friend, my personal little circle here on my blog.
10) I lost my grandpa in 2016 and it was devastating to me, I recently got a really nice tattoo in his honor on my right forearm.
11) My brother David got married and his new wife has 3 kids from a previous relationship so I have a new nephew and 2 twin nieces.
12) my mom got married, and has an amazing new husband of a few years now, Harry, who we all love dearly, and who has older kids so I have a new step sister and step brother, my step sister had a son a while back so I have a toddler nephew as well. :)
13) christopher is finishing up his last year in Middle school here and going to HS in August and I am trying not to freak out, and Laci who is in 5th grade now, is also in middle school now bc in Ellijay, the school system is set up to where they are in the first of two middle schools in 5th grade!
well, there is literally a million points and things for each one of those points, lol, but I am just happy to be knocking the dust off here and will hopefully get back into things properly here like I clearly have been trying to do for years before falling off the earth here. :)
Happy Wednesday!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Goodbye Robin....

I had a whole lot to say tonight about my own medical stuff but was stopped dead in my tracks by the loss of Robin Williams today.

As a person who struggles daily with severe depression, I know all too well to be the funny person on the outside and pouring rain inside. A friend of mine said it best, that depression is so big that it can even make someone as famous and loved as Robin Williams feel so insignificant in this world. The money, the love, the family, the friends, none were able to fight off those demons inside. His suffering has ended, he wasn't able to win that battle. My heart is now with those he left behind, his wife who has told the world she has lost her best friend in the world. I am so sad with this news. I am sad that there are things in life that can cause so much pain and anguish that we feel helpless to come up with a better plan to deal with it.

Rest In Peace old friend, may heaven shine a little brighter with your laughter and light.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What happened to my blog?

So I guess it goes without saying that depression can really do a number on your life. My blog started off strong a few years ago, but finally my depression caught up with me and you can see how it caused my life to crash. I am well now and feeling much better, and I am not even gonna try and catch this all up beyond just the regular stuff bc this is for me mostly to remember all the good stuff in life and to dream big and plan bigger. I feel like maybe I didn't document enough in life after letting my blog slack but life isn't so much about documenting as it living, and I have lived all those moments at least.
A small catch up is that my kids are now 10 and 7. Christopher just started 5th grade and I have cried more than I like to admit about that fact. I cannot believe that this Monday was his "last" first day of elementary school. Laci is now in 2nd grade and has the amazingly awesome teacher Christopher had in 1st grade. I was just named one of 3 room moms for that class yesterday which is awesome bc I am determined to spend pretty much ALL of my time devoted to my kids this year if I can. (ok, so maybe not ALL of it, but enough to where at the end of the year I don't want regrets) I want to be more active in the school this year and keep myself busy. I am also now a co-leader (one of 2 leaders) to Laci's brownie troop. I LOVE this "job". I love the girl scout stuff SO much that a few months ago I signed up with the local Service Unit council to be even more active and now I am the Troop Organizer and Recruitment Officer for our SU. :) I spent the later half of last week running open house booths to recruit girls at 5 different schools for the new year! (with some awesome help from my friend and other leader). I am trying to incorporate a new "family reading time" in the evenings, and even though we are only up to day 2 (kids are at school) we have done well keeping up with that. And ironically since I am sitting here on the computer, I plan on spending less time online and more time in life. I want to start limiting my time here and living more in those moments. My mom has just gone through a divorce, and I have been in touch with my biological father for almost 2 years now. I am still happily married and we no longer have my sweet GSD, Clover. But we do have Momma the pitbull, and our 2 cats (Blue and Vader) as well as one semi feral free loader kitten. Most my other animals I keep private.
We are still in the house in Canton, and even though my Grandparents swear we are out of here soon, I feel like there is no end in sight. It is hard and frustrating, especially knowing another winter is coming and we will be without heat....again....but, today, I cant let my mind wander there.
No, today is not about massive "documenting" its about getting back into the swing of things. I am sitting here kind of sick in a silent house with the occasional "wo wee wee wee" sound coming from 4 baby turkeys in my livingroom and planning our trip to Daytona next month, Girl Scout meetings, what to make for dinner, my new gym membership, and more. I am reflecting on the beautiful day I had with my husband yesterday sitting on the edge of that crystal clear stream trout fishing in such silence we half whispered to speak to each other. Planning....planning our fall, planning camping, planning fishing, planning....planning planning....its all we ever seem to do. We live every day in the future planning what fun and happy things we will see together on this one and only journey.
I am glad to be back in the driver's seat here and getting some of my planning (and some documenting too) back into my little family journal here. Here is to getting my little blog back on track once again. CHEERS! :)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Monday, January 9, 2012 has been a busy start

We have been pretty much non stop around here working on changing the house for 2012. This weekend alone we yanked the carpet up going down the stairs, and tore the carpet out of the closet in our bedroom and painted the floor in there white. We also yanked the microwave out since it wasnt working anyways and refurbished an old oven hood to match. Now I have to paint the wall where the microwave covered ( we got a cheap 44.00 one for the counter at walmart) and we are going to add a small shelf above my stovetop. The carpet in the livingroom is the next thing to come up, we will fix the cracks in the concrete and for now, just paint the concrete. Hopefully in the next year we will be able to get the wood to do a stained plywood flooring throughout the house, but for now, painted concrete will have to do. I just vacuumed a minute ago and in the livingroom alone pulled up a whole canister of hair and dust and dirt and probably a million dust mites. It is absurd! I have to make an appointment for Brian to see the allergist speaking of dust mites. Anyhow it is raining, again, and I am sick of it. I have looked and unless we get some freak snow or ice storm we are officially already over the coldest temps of the season and spring will be here before we know it. Which is bizarre since I slept with a fan on in my bedroom last night and it is January 9th!
I am tired today, not really feeling like doing back hurts, my legs hurt, my eyes are itchy, and my throat kinda hurts again (I am sure the fan I mentioned above blowing in my face all night has something to do with that last part) My whole house is covered in a super fine dust from Brian sanding the stairs to get them smoother yesterday. I have a pile of dishes from neglecting them all weekend, and I have laundry to doing nothing is not exactly an option for me today....but I surely don't feel like doing anything. If only this crappy wet rainy weather would let up and give me a few days of sun that would help. Thank God I went and got more hay last week though, omg, with all this rain I would have one hell of a mess on my hands with the mud and dogs by now!
It is the week of Friday the 13th...I think Friday night we will have a movie marathon (and by we, I mean me and Brian since the kids will get bored half way through movie number one and run off to play). Other than an absurd amount of home renovations, there hasn't been a whole lot else going on. I am not joining the gym because it is almost 50.00 a month and really not that nice of a place to go anyhow. I will save and buy myself another exercise bike, and continue to do the stuff I am already doing and see what happens. I am so sick of stressing my weight that I am just not going to anymore. I will be healthier, eat and drink better, and if I lose weight, great, if not, well, screw it!
We have decided that it is also not feasible to go to Daytona in March. It is just not. So we may take a small trip to the mountains for the weekend instead that week, and then for Laci's bday I am just going to take her and a friend (likely Bella) out to horseback ride for the day somewhere and have a small get together here at the house. I know I know, I am getting off on some wild ramble about the next few months and it is only January 9th, but that is what I do! If I didn't I just wouldn't be me! I guess for now I will just focus on this week...which is funny, because I have more knowledge of the next 3 months of activities than I do for just the next 7 days....LOL! I am gonna go slurp down my last cup of coffee for the morning and try to accomplish something more than just vacuuming the livingroom!
Hope you all have a happy Monday! XOXO

Monday, January 2, 2012

It is officially 2012!

First day of the year was spent cleaning, organizing, changing, and cooking and then ended with laughing, eating, playing, and snuggling! Seems like a great first day to me! :) I am working hard on getting my house more organized and sorted and easier to keep clean. I have done a few smaller things so far and hope over the next month or so to really get my life in order more and less chaotic around the house!

I made a huge turkey dinner yesterday complete with mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing muffins, (which I need to make more of today), crescent rolls, gravy, and candy bar peanut butter cookies! Dinner was delicious! Company was fabulous!  My house looks a thousand times better and I am gearing up for even more today and this week!

The kids go back to school tomorrow, which is great! Both are anxious to see their friends and I am anxious to have one day without the TV on all day and fighting and arguing all day, lol! 

We went to Ikea this weekend which was super fun, although I hoped to have made it a bigger day out, I ended up heading home with the family early bc we were all so wiped out. I am all messed up weather wise bc one day it's 77* in December and then the next it is 36*. I finally got myself to accept we were not going to have even a cold winter, let alone a snowy or icy one, and now tonight we are expecting teens. Ok then! I guess we shall the mean time I guess I will go back to putting all those spring yard ideas to rest for a few more months! Ha!

Today Laci is sick...again....with a cold or allergies or something, I don't know, but she is miserable, but still heading to school tomorrow because she has no fever, and no throwing up, only slightly queasy at times because of a belly full of snot. So hoping after getting some more meds in her all day and a good night's sleep tonight, she will be on the way to feeling tip top in no time. (fingers crossed!) I was very unsuccessful in getting the kids back on a normal sleep routine (or myself for that matter) so needless to say this next week is going to be a tough one. But, it is early to bed tonight, and hoping I have the strength to drag myself out of bed when it will be 18* tonight to come downstairs and make meals tomorrow morning, lol!

Well, I guess I should get ready to go to Walmart with the kids to get lunch meat and stuff. Hope everyone has a happy day!

Memory Jar:

Laci"when I grow up, I know what I am going to name my kid!"
Me: "oh yeah? what is that?"
Laci: "Laci!" (yaci)
Me: "well what if you have a boy?"
Christopher: "yeah what if you have only boys what will you name him?"
Laci: "well.....I will name him Frankenstein!"

Christopher: "hey mom, you want to know what would be a very funny tattoo that someone could get?"
Me: "sure, what?"
Christopher: "a half a heart on each side of their butt!"
Me: "ugh, lol, why?"
Christopher: "get it? a broken heart???"

Christopher: "want to know another good tattoo?"
Me: " what?"
Christopher: "if on your back you had 2 chipmunk girls on one side...and they could be simon's girlfriends, and the other one named Britney, could be Britney Spears"

oookkkkay then....LOL

Friday, December 30, 2011

Wrapping up the year....

Got to finally organize and clean up my coupons today, although in a few days they all have to be re gone through bc they will expire. Then I spent 4 hours shopping is aft noon to night to refill the house. My house has been in a serious stage of empty for what seems like weeks now! But tomorrow I get to reorganize all my drawers and cabinets after I get home from Ikea with brian and the kids since I didn't get to go today.

I have the new Toby Keith song, Red Solo Cup, stuck in my head. It is the unofficial official song of my summer to come. Which may be here soon since it is 57 degrees at 9pm on the second to last night of December here which is weird, and sucks.

Almost time for the kids to go back to school, and considering they were both wide awake less than an hour ago, I have a feeling those first few days are going to suck pretty bad. Laci has fully gotten used to staying up past 10 and sleeping in til after 9 every

I am steadily working on my game plan for the new year and deciding what to buy when. Tonight I brought back some stuff laci didn't need or didn't work from Christmas and got a gift card. I bought her a Monster High car and new pink boots already on clearance and spent the rest with my eBay money I made on some kitchen gadgets like a smoothie maker and a deep fryer ( yes I am aware how those two items cancel each other out completely) and I also got some new tooth brushes, not that anyonen reading this cares about my new toothbrush. But if you do, it's purple. :)

I am wiped out. I hope my feet feel better in time for Ikea tomorrow. I am really excited to go. I guess I should check out the kids school calendar too so I am in the know on when they go back! Ha!! Thinking of spending the first day they are back in school sitting somewhere fishing! :)

Hope this night is good for anyone reading this!

Laci almost burnt the house down today. While I was downstairs cutting and clipping and organizing my coupons, I kept smelling chocolate. I just figured it was the bowl of dry Reeses ,PB cup cereal sitting near me, but then I noticed the hazy look to the top of stairs and realized what was going on! Laci had torn into the Easy Bake Oven and plugged it in, and started attempting to bake cookies without even letting me know!!! Dry cookie mix, plus high temps, plus a mess equals a lot of smoke and soon a mommy with a very sore throat from screaming so much!!! Luckily the thing is ok and the house is still standing but that was scary as hell! Mom of the year, party of one!!!
Lots of love!